Undeniable Faith

Mark 11:22 So Jesus answered and said to them,

“Have faith in God.”

Undeniable Faith. Think about that word, undeniable. What does it mean, especially in these times that we’re living in? Undeniable faith to me represents the faith that never gives up no matter what the challenge is, and no matter how the circumstances or the situations may look.

It is that faith that says, “I’m not going to throw in the towel. I’m not going to lose hope!” 

As we look at the times we’re living in, we can certainly say these are some troubling times. People are asking when are things going to get better? When are things going to improve for us? But, this undeniable faith is that faith that continues to have hope. Undeniable faith continues to trust and to believe. That faith refuses to let go of what has been promised in accordance to truth.

God is speaking to us in regard to the times we’re living in and times we’re going to face. Undeniable faith is what it is going to take for us to be able to make it. Undeniable faith. 


When we talk about faith, we’re talking about trusting in God. When Jesus says, “Have faith in God,” this is exactly what He’s saying: “Trust God.“

We know the scripture that says,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

Prov. 3:5

This is exactly what he’s saying. Have THAT kind of faith that you trust God no matter how things may look or how things may appear.


Faith also is about confidence. When you have confidence in someone, you believe that person will be there. You believe you can count on that person. You can depend on that person no matter what. The psalmist says in chapter 118, “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” Do you really have confidence in God that He’s going to see you through these difficult times and be there for you? Do you really believe that you can count on God, that you can depend on Him no matter what the situation or circumstance may be?

These are some bad times we’re living in, but what about Job? He had some really bad times. But, I like how Brother Job had confidence in God through it all.

The thing Job said (and I paraphrase), “No matter how bad it may get, and no matter how bad it may seem, one thing that I am confident in is that my God can turn things around!” That’s why Job said, “All the days of my hard service I will wait, until my change comes.” All the days of his struggles, his difficult and challenging times. He said, “I will wait until my change comes because I’m confident that my God is able to turn things around.”

That’s right. No matter what.

It is Possible!

So this is what Jesus is talking about when He said to have faith in God. Do you have that kind of undeniable faith in God that no matter what you may be going through right now, that God will come through for you? That you can depend on God? Yes, you can trust Him. You can count on that He will not let you down.

Undeniable faith is possible! Continue seeking God and choose to believe what He says. Silence the voice of the enemy. Use scripture and worship as your weapons of warfare when coming up against doubt and fear. God is committed to your success. And, you are victorious because He is victorious!

Read more from Dr. Marvin Newberry here.