Master of Religious Arts
The graduate program at Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary (TBCS) is designed to help you unveil more of God, increase your knowledge of the Bible, develop your ministry skills and to discover yourself in the process.
- High school diploma.
- Official transcripts (sealed, unopened) sent directly to TBCS reflecting an earned bachelor degree from an approved college.
- Official transcripts (sealed, unopened) sent directly to TBCS of all other college levels.
Graduate level courses may be transferred with the prior approval of TBCS.
A minimum of 30 hours must be earned with TBCS or a transfer of Theological credits. (Life experience credits are applicable.)
Master of Religious Arts
Biblical Studies
BS 301 Description & Identity of the Church
BS 303 Royal priesthood
BS 304 Prophecy
BS 305 World Religions & their place in History
Christian Doctrine
CD 301 Hermeneutics
CD 302 Managing Market place Ministry/Conflict Resolution
CD 303 Assignment For Success
Christian Philosophy
CP 304 The Anti-Christ kingdom
CP 305 Unveiling Spiritual Warfare
Biblical Mentoring
BM 301 Restoring the Foundations (Book Purchase Required)
BM 302 Regaining & Defining your Identity
BM 303 Pastoral Mentoring
BM 304 Crisis Mentoring
BM 305 Mastering Ministry (marketplace & pulpit)
Master Degree requires 20 additional credits without a Bachelor Degree:
CD 201 Apologetics
CD 205 Principles of Kingdom Living
CP Principles of Leadership
CP 202 Principles for Kingdom Finances
Master of Divinity
Biblical Studies
BS 301 Description & Identity of the Church
BS 303 Royal priesthood
BS 304 Prophecy
BS 305 World Religions & their place in History
Christian Doctrine
CD 301 Hermeneutics
CD 302 Managing Market place Ministry/Conflict Resolution
CD 303 Assignment For Success
CD 306 The Theology of Binding and Loosing
Biblical Mentoring
BM 301 Restoring the Foundations
BM 302 Regaining & Defining your Identity
BM 303 Pastoral Mentoring
BM 304 Crisis Mentoring
BM 305 Mastering Ministry (marketplace & pulpit)
Christian Philosophy
CP 202 Biblical Principles for Kingdom Finances
CP 203 Hearing the Voice of God
CP 204 How to Heal Sick
CP 205 Protected Provision for the End Times
CP 304 The Anti-Christ kingdom
CP 305 Unveiling Spiritual Warfare
Master of Divinity Degree requires 60 additional credits without a Bachelor Degree:
OT 201 Major Prophets
OT 202 Minor Prophets
OT 203 Feasts of The Lord
CD 201 Apologetics
CD 202 Tripartation of Man
CD 203 Foundational Theology
CD 204 Ungodly beliefs vs. Godly belief System
CD 205 Principles of Kingdom Living
CD 206 The Five Ministry Offices or Gifts
CD 207 Thanatology
BS 201 Eschatology
Post Graduate Degree candidates are reviewed individually by our Administrative Office. To qualifiy for a Post Graduate Degree you must have a Bachelor Degree from an accredited institution or, upon evaluation, life experience equal to bachelor degree.
If you are interested in a Graduate Program, contact our office at or 813-655-1127.