Your Degree is closer than you think!
Scholars say that the first step is always the hardest, but we have made that first step easy. Dive into learning with Tabernacle Bible College & Seminary by enrolling in one course at a time, and start your educational journey today. This includes each individual course in the Associates of Religious Arts level. When you find how easy and enjoyable it is, the second step will be a breeze. These individual courses will be applied toward any degree you pursue in the future. Before you know it, you have attained your degree. You could finish your degree this year!
For those of you who have already determined the degree that you are going to pursue, we have developed a comprehensive program that is richly developed as well as being convenient. You can study at your own pace and according to your own schedule. Your degree is within your grasp!
Undergraduate Degrees
Associate of Religious Arts Degree
Bachelor of Religious Arts Degree
Graduate Degrees
Master of Divinity and Religious Arts Degrees
Doctorate of Ministry and Religous Philosphy (Ph.D.) Degrees
TBCS Offers Course Study Programs
Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary offers you the ability to take single courses, such as Poetic Books of the Bible, Eschatology (Study of the End Times) or Church Management. All courses offered in our degree programs are available as a single course class.